SP-1606-4 Stat Panels

(2) Stat Panels for 6 players and can be added to several scoreboards: BB-1660-4, BB-1630-4, BB-1620-4, BB-1610-4 or installed by themselves and run them independently.

SP-1605-4 Stat Panels

(2) Stat Panels for 5 players can be added to several scoreboards: BB-1660-4, BB-1630-4, BB-1620-4, BB-1610-4 or installed by themselves and run them independently.

BA-2075-2 Baseball Scoreboard

Designed with LED digits and indicators for long-life and economical power consumption. This model is widely used in the college and semi-pro facilities as well as in large high schools and on military bases.

01-0000-06-2 Outdoor Horn

The standard horn is a low-current, high-decibel vibrating horn for heavy-duty applications that is UL approved and meets NEMA 4X enclosure criteria. The electrostatic heat flowed powder epoxy gray coating on the die-cast weatherproof box is sturdy and corrosion-resistant. Indoor applications are possible. Install on a conduit or a flat surface. A 3/4″ (19mm) – … Continued

01-0000-06-1 Outdoor Horn

This resonating horn produces sound by resonating a column of air with a diaphragm. The 01-0000-06-1 horn, which has a higher output than a vibrating horn, can be utilized anywhere a louder, more powerful alert is required. To produce a smooth tone, these projectors are designed to match the frequency of the vibrating diaphragm. The … Continued

FB-8127-2 Football Scoreboard

Larger facilities enjoy the 30″ clock that centers this 27′ long by 8′ high scoreboard with all the basic football game information.

CST-10RI Rear Illuminated Court Side Table

10 foot long Rear Illuminated Court Side Table. Sign Area: 25.1” x 94.5” – Multiple units can be connected end-to-end to create messages tailored to specific events. Six casters for even weight distribution and ease of mobility. Internal cable tray to hide and protect cables and wires. Built-in rack-mount space that is hidden from view … Continued

CST-08RI Rear Illuminated Court Side Table

8 foot long Rear Illuminated Court Side Table. Sign Area: 25.1” x 94.5” – Multiple units can be connected end-to-end to create messages tailored to specific events. Six casters for even weight distribution and ease of mobility. Internal cable tray to hide and protect cables and wires. Built-in rack-mount space that is hidden from view … Continued

CL-1050 Clock

Analog clock that’s ideal for displaying atop scoreboards and displays.

T-824-DISPLAY-2 Field Timer

Play clock with 24″ digits. **Black is the standard color for all T models. For custom colors on Accessories, there will be an additional cost.**